As in an eclipse, the sun crosses the moon...

Fate intertwines the destinies of a diverse group, journeying together across the realm, performing acts of virtue and reaping occasional rewards. Some, driven by nobility, seek goodness for its own sake, while others pursue wealth to forge a life in a harsh world. A few are drawn to the mysteries, thrills and magic that inevitably await on their challenging path. Each member harbours unique motives, some openly declared, others shrouded in secrecy. Regardless, the saga they weave will unfold through their actions, as they stand now a fellowship of wanderers. Bound not by duty, but by devotion, it now falls to them to mete out fate upon myth...

  • General

    Mythos is a tight-knit guild, limited to fifteen members. We focus on high-quality roleplay, lore adherence and individuality. Members contribute to various guild tasks, and all of us work as a team to create engaging experiences. We host events on Tuesdays and Saturdays, with Wednesday acting as a backup day. The leadership is loosely structured ICly, and OOCly guided by our four organisers. Our goal is to host a consistent cast of characters and for the guild to be a long-term project. Mythos thrives on collective teamwork, emphasizing individual progression, immersion, and narrative adventures.

  • Roleplay

    The primary focus of the guild is on the individual, their character, and fostering an environment in which your creative freedom is important and your power fantasy is indulged in - ensuring you roleplay your character to your fullest enjoyment. Thus, we emply a system of free emoting, leaving actions and their outcomes largely to the player's discretion. We expect members to know the limits of their character and remain thoughtful of other players. Ultimately though, the DM is the final acting custodian of the narrative, deciding the group's success or defeat during events.

  • Membership

    Membership involves roleplaying on both AD EU and Epsilon. Those new to Epsilon will be provided with guidance on how to build and utilise the RP platform. It is important for us to ensure an applicant is the right fit for the guild, both on an IC and OOC level. Each member must agree to our core values, complete a small application and once the trial period (three to six months) is over, they are to assist with the tasks of the guild such as building and DMing. We strive to have a diverse cast, thus we require characters to be unique in their own way.

... and the mythical overlaps the mundane.

Alissera Reth'aran

The Eye of the Storm

Highborne Sorceress

The de-facto Leader of Mythos, Alissera Reth'aran is a Sorceress of Highborne lineage who has served long years of vigil in guarding Azeroth from threats within and without - and yet has done so from the shadows. Her many deeds have gone unassociated with her name, until the name of Mythos was truly established, and her at its head.

Nearly eight thousand years of age, her service began long ago in training with the Sentinels of Ashenvale, though the undeniable pull of magic always called to her Highborne blood. Giving up the ranks of the Sentinels in order to follow a path of the arcane storm, Alissera spent the years of Highborne persecution in hiding as a village herbalist and medic until her kind was able to practice unpersecuted once again. With the power and secrets of the race from which arcane usage was borne, Alissera has taken to a life of helping others; using her millennia of experience to guide these hopeful adventurers with wisdom and efficiency. Were there anything or anyone that stood between Alissera Reth'aran and those she cared for, those she loved, they would face the cataclysmic wrath of the Eye of the Storm herself.

Artist: Alissera

Sulfar Nightfall

The Demon Hunter

A wrathful, elusive individual walking the line between two worlds, Sulfar Nightfall, without hesitation, walks upon a dagger's edge - the pitfalls of demons, monsters and creatures of the abyss to his left, and the ancient taboos, bloody politics and venomous lies of mortal men to his right. It is with a blind righteousness that he will seek to eradicate all seen and unseen evils, just or unjust in their execution. His is a life cloaked in the shadow of war, yet blinded by contradiction, as each adventure becomes a battlefield and every step is one closer to death. He has fought across countless frontiers, such is the duty allotted this hunter. With a few companions at his side, he tries to bring some light to a foreboding world. Only time will tell where this road will lead, and if the demon hunter can become something more than the weapon his Shan'do created.

Artist: Alissera

Nor'andir Starforge

Legacy of Kali'valas

Thalassian Spellblade

Nor'andir Starforge - an elf whose youthful manner balances the fine line between suave ease and audacious tenacity - dedicates himself to his dual roles as a masterful crystalsmith and a formidable spellblade, possessing a bountiful wealth of mana that he has yet to fully hone to its utmost potential.

An elf hailing from the sunlit boughs of Eversong Woods, Nor'andir found himself as but a faint presence amid the magnificence of Quel'thalas. His early years were veiled in seclusion, marred by the cruelty of his mother, whose cold embrace cast a shadow over the young boy, marking the onset of a bleak and desolate childhood for Nor'andir. In spite of his past perils, Nor'andir's innocence has yet to be fully desecrated. Boyish, playful - with an innate ability to charm - Nor’andir understands when the time for mischief must be withheld, revealing a natural aptitude for leadership when circumstances demand it.

A smith by trade and a fighter by nature, Nor'andir is a friend to only a select few. To those he holds closest, his otherwise indifferent manner softens, revealing a rare glimpse of his thawed heart that nurtures fierce loyalty, protectiveness and love.

Artist: Sariya

Sylvari Windsong


Kaldorei Druid

An Ashenvale elf, Sylvari has suffered much at the hands of the Horde. Her loss, grief, and anger turned her into an instrument of retribution for the Kaldorei people, leading to her banishment after succumbing to the allure of vengeance. With innocent lives weighing on her shoulders, she found an unlikely home with a company of adventurers determined to leave Azeroth better than they found it. Once seeking only to avenge her fallen kin, she now finds the protection of her friends to be her purpose, the bonds she forged within their midst inadvertently leading her down the path of redemption, as unworthy as she judges herself.

Sentinel. Druid. Exile. The young Windsong has borne many mantles in the centuries she has walked the world, though none more foreboding than 'Dreamwalker.' First uttered with the final breath of an unyielding nemesis, the title was bestowed at a time when mysterious powers had started to awaken within the druid, powers intrinsically tied to the Emerald Dream...

Artist: Narninskaya

Valodriel Wavesinger

Divine Scholar

Heroes fall and villains rise as the foundations of the realm grind endlessly in a vortex of violence and decay, but even the primordial powers of the world fail to topple an achievement woven together by a lifetime of war - an ascended mind. It is an unlikely instrument wielded by the Quel'dorei scholar, Valodriel Wavesinger, a representative of his dying race and an exemplar of mind over matter.

Such a prowess has enacted a heavy toll, forged to reside in the blistering heat of melancholy and resentment for the epochs that came in the wake of the reign of elves; thus a man of many friends but true loneliness stands as a relic of a time that would never return. Grey hair and signs of aging unbecoming of his elven heritage fulfill the promise of lucidity enacted by the sharpness of his faded blue eyes. Ambition befouls the rest, holding a promise of their own - the Golden Era would return in the little time he had left.

Artist: Alteya

Talias Daywing

The Mistborne

Kaldorei Spiritwalker

There are many odd and fantastical things in the world of Azeroth; dragons, demons, sentient ratmen. Talias sits right there comfortably beside them. Stories are a dime a dozen when it comes to the history of this horned elf and not all of them pleasant. If you were to ask them directly, you’d walk away with several of your own, perhaps after sharing afternoon tea.

Talias is known as a Spiritwalker. They deal in Death and wield the power of the spirits to preserve the world’s tenuous balance. After honing their craft against the vile Burning Legion, Talias set out on a journey to better understand the mortal souls they had spent millennia reaping, quickly forging new friendships and alliances despite their otherworldly appearance. Employing cunning and speed, Talias works to dismantle their foe with a ruthless efficiency - all of which is masked by wisecracks and playful ribbing.

This elf of old rarely practises honourable fighting and lacks the decorum expected of a creature this old, making for a puzzling yet enlightening experience when paths are crossed.

Artist: Lactic Wanda

'The Rose of Boralus'

The Celestial Troubadour

Kul Tiran Warrior Poet

A certified eccentric and herald of mischief and merriment in equal measure; The Rose of Boralus is a roaming theatric, reveling in the open road and all the intrigues it brings.

Fashioning the world as their audience; they present themselves through the veneer of a gleeful thespian; a free bird seeking to make merry and bring cheer wherever possible. His exuberant performances have done much to embolden his reputation, whilst his more salacious proclivities have done ought to inspire a sense of scandal about his moniker. Whilst he holds no qualms towards such, this outward mask of lively foolishness belies the nuance of his being, for the balladeer is far more than a teasing songster, but a good showman never reveals all their tricks at once...

Artist: Nodens

Luynaraeth Ravenmourn

The Moonscarred Hunger

Kaldorei Druid of the Claw

Luynaraeth tells a tale of unforgiving natures, assuming bestial shapes with little hesitance to draw blood or battle her way out of situations. Following a more absolute path of life and death, she's taken to ward the sanctity of life's passing, its 'winter' and a life's right to passing undefiled and in peace.

As one of few words and severe disposition, Luynaraeth clads herself in midnight blues and black, adorned with amulets and trinkets of silver or that of bone and wooden beads. Her face carries a tapestry of scars wounding below her garbs, the largest of which strikes across the right of her eyes, a wound that rendered it almost blind.

Clutching firmly around the blessing of the Night Warrior, her eyes yet burn with darkest starlight...

Artist: LegionAttack

Fellorin Raven's Eye

Harbinger of the Tides

Kaldorei Gunslinger

Returning from a long voyage in the far-western seas of Azeroth, this one-eyed gunslinger brings with him a dark and unfavorable aura. 'Orin Shadowbrand' he calls himself, yet many may deem him a familiar face with an unfamiliar name. Many names has he taken on throughout his time aboard the Veiled Seas and beyond; Many identities has he claimed for himself in places he would otherwise be unwelcome.

Now, however, the man has claimed the title 'Harbinger of the Tides' for himself; Bringing with him his exotic, ancient artifacts, his ferocious abilities as a gunslinger. Yet most powerful of all is his ability to manipulate water as he so pleases. It is unclear how a man such as himself obtained such power, whether he was trained alongside Tidesages, or perhaps intermingled with more ancient sea-peoples, yet he's adopted water as his favored form of magic.

With his presence amidst the gathering of Mythos, the man brings with him a dark and unfavorable purpose.

Artist: Kueshka

Lore'ithil, Font of Fervor

The Devout Evermore

Kaldorei Priestess

To be devout evermore, Lore'ithil Blackcrest is the epitome of unwavering, unshakeable faith. Born within the crumbling lands of a post Sundering Azshara, she existed for near a millennium alienated from her own race. In this time she found herself swaddled in the warm embrace of the White Lady; reflected in eyes as pale as the moon they looked upon.

Her existence was promptly consumed into the Sisterhood of Elune with her integration into Kaldorei society, wherein she partook of their ritualistic worship, and aided them in upholding the devotion of Elune across the lands for many a millennium; through vigil and war, death and life. This mission has never ceased for Lore'ithil, and to this day she seeks to provide to those around her the warmth the White Lady has casted upon her. Be it those outcasted, condemned, or strayed from Elune - in her eyes, a reflection of the moon, she seeks only to give solace to those in need.

Artist: Anattmar

Eratheas Talonvine

Shade of Felwood

Kaldorei Shadestalker

As his home and kin burned in the corrupted fel fire that would twist northern Ashenvale into the Felwood, Eratheas would barely escape in time. The kaldorei would travel Azeroth as a monster hunter and mercenary-for-hire, known only as a 'Shade of Felwood'. Armed, at this time, with a halberd and his nightsaber, Y'rena, the mercenary would eventually return to Darnassus when news of the Sentinels opening their ranks reached him. A life long dream fulfilled, he thought.

A dream shattered on the shores of Darkshore. When this shade recalled an old family secret, performed in desperation. A shade demanding the shadows to cease his need to endure loss. And, the shadows would respond, reaching out and claiming a shade of his beloved nightsaber; to hunt with him once more. A path shrouded in the shadows cast by Teldrassil's flames, this shade became the shadestalker. Now, he and his beasts of shadow seek more worthy hunts.

Artist: Anattmar

Gideon Blackmyre

The Divine Aegis

Human Paladin

Having earned the reputation of a mighty Warrior upon the fields of battle, he was still known to strive for the noblest of aspirations - Peace. Gideon spent his life honing the ancestral strength of kings he was born with. Discipline and faith forged a Paladin that wields his power in the service of others, never as an indulgence. A Knight who has seen the Light's legends rise and fall, he hopes to one day take his place among them.

Inspired by the heroic tale of Tyr, Gideon eventually turned from war. Travelling the world, visiting different cultures to lend his aid wherever it was needed. Even as years have passed, the Paladin still serves as an envoy of the Silver Hand. Divinity follows and guides his path, and would continue to do so while he remains true to himself and the core tenets of his faith; Compassion, Justice and Honor...

Artist: YMhin


Valiant Pilgrim

Draenei Warrior

Revriine is a young Draenei who has yet to reach a century of age. After having fled the destruction of Draenor, she now wanders Azeroth to follow the path the Light has set her on, determined to learn as much as she can about her new home and its people. With bright eyes, a gentle soul, a sharp blade and her heart ablaze, the young woman seeks to protect her kin, her friends, and those who she will come to know and adore. Despite the struggles she has endured thus far, her spirit remains strong and can find curiosity and joy in the little and grand unknowns equally, seeing a potential friend in many souls she comes across.

Though she may be somewhat impressionable at times given her general inexperience when compared to many of her older peers, her desire for knowledge and doing what is Right and Just are genuine and a driving force behind her eyes at all times.

Artist: HippieDruid


Little Sprout

Wildling of Nature

Willow is a living embodiment of nature's untamed beauty and raw unpredictability. Her personality, a blend of fiery passion and childlike innocence, mirrors the wild essence of her spirit. Through the trials and tribulations of her young adult life, she has developed a surprising depth, embodying both naivety and a maturity that belies her years.

She is earnest in her attempts to connect with others, and despite occasionally missing subtle social cues, her genuine warmth and infectious energy often endear her to those she meets. This duality makes her both an enigma and a captivating presence, drawing people in with her unpredictability and heartfelt sincerity. Willow holds a deep, symbiotic relationship with the natural world. Now, she travels this world with a newfound family, no longer alone on her journey.

Artist: JodiKein

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter I:
  • Dark Intentions
  • Foul Fruits
  • Witches in the Woods
  • The Lunar Lantern
  • Warriors of the Night
  • The Pilgrim's Pet
  • Loose Ends

Dark Intentions

Location: Arathi Highlands

Employed by a local noble, Sulfar and Alissera make their way to the Arathi Highlands, where a series of unexplained events are threatening the safety of the little town of Duskholde. They are soon joined by a handful of adventurers, Nor'andir, Aeritheros and Ashalys among them, and the newly formed ragtag band defeats threat after threat before finally discovering the source of the attacks - a mysterious mage, who has taken up residence in the abandoned tower on the outskirts of the settlement. Although too late to stop the destruction of Duskholde, the group manages to defeat the sorcerer, and decide to stick together, at least for now…

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Foul Fruits

Location: Elwynn Forest

Tales of the group’s heroic deeds in the Highlands have reached the Stormwind authorities, and they are employed to investigate the source of a strange fruit spreading disease throughout the kingdom. Joined by Valodriel, a scholar with interest in the phenomenon and Sulfar's old... friend, their search takes them to Dornwich, once an idyllic Elwynn village on the shores of the Great Sea, now an ailing settlement plagued by the later stages of the mysterious disease. They discover the source of it all - a pseudo-sentient great tree towering over the village, whose roots run deep into a series of caverns. The underground battle against the tree’s constructs infects most of the group with the tree’s disease, but by destroying its heart, the adventurers eventually vanquish it. They are unable to treat the villagers’ illness or their own, however, and are forced to embark on a search for a cure…

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Witches in the Woods

Location: Swamp of Sorrows

The group is told of a skilled alchemist who has already made progress on the cure. His help, however, comes at a cost: his wife has recently disappeared somewhere in the Swamp of Sorrows, and the adventurers are tasked with retrieving her. To the town of Halhurst they go, discovering along the way that this part of the swamp has fallen under the influence of the Triad, a coven of three malevolent crones. According to a mysterious Pilgrim, they are also behind a series of abductions in the area, the alchemist’s wife included. Eventually, the group learns of a fourth witch, Alcyone, banished by her sisters for her benevolent nature. Employing the services of Captain Amanda, they make their way across to the island where Alcyone is imprisoned. They free her, and with her help, manage to save the alchemist’s wife and defeat two of the crones. The last one, however, proves too powerful for them, and they are captured. Awaiting their inevitable sacrifice, the group is visited in their cages by the same Pilgrim from before, who offers them a deal: he will transport them to safety, but one of them needs to do a “favour” for him. Although ominous and clearly nefarious, Alissera closes the deal, and the adventurers magically find themselves in the alchemist’s home. The sorceress is nowhere to be seen, though, and the unanimous decision to rescue her is instantly made…

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The Lunar Lantern

Location: Duskwood

Sensing the presence of his beloved, Sulfar leads the group into Duskwood, where a trail of destruction awaits them. Joined briefly by Amanda, the ship captain who helped them in the Swamp of Sorrows, they fight their way through restless undead and crazed worgen, reaching Alissera just in time - she is weakened and locked in battle with a creature called Nanarakh, a monstrous, ancient bat-like being. Together, the adventurers use a magical silver lantern the sorceress has retrieved to ward off the beast, narrowly escaping its domain. The Pilgrim has placed his mark on Alissera - a debilitating gash scarring her face and impairing her judgement, slowly killing her - until her end of the deal is met. The Lunar Lantern was only the beginning, and the group uneasily awaits their next trial… In the meantime, though, Duskwood’s insatiable need for adventurers and mercenaries cements the group’s growing reputation - from necromancers hiding out in abandoned mansions, to scholars employing the group to retrieve powerful artefacts from the Guardian Medivh’s haunted tower. The painter Ashalys also leaves the party around this time, to pursue an apprenticeship in Dalaran. Eventually, the demand for an official identifier brands them as Mythos, and they become an official adventuring company, registered with the Grand Alliance.

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Warriors of the Night

Location: Mount Hyjal

Mythos’ next task is revealed to them in a vision: the dragon Ynneoth, one of Elune’s chosen, beseeches them to make their way to Nordrassil, and rescue him from the clutches of a rogue Sentinel cadre. Sulfar reveals the existence of an arcane waygate that can transport the group there, and they arrive on Mount Hyjal post-haste. Joined by Sylvari, a deserter of this Moonshadow cadre, they manage to uncover their crimes - the massacre of innocent Horde civilians among them - and their plan: sacrifice Ynneoth to summon the Night Warrior aspect of Elune once more, and take revenge on the Kaldorei’s enemies once and for all. A trial is held beneath the boughs of Nordrassil, the adventurers presenting the evidence they’ve uncovered on the cadre’s wrongdoings, and Sylvari testifying against her former comrades - subsequently leading to her exile from elven lands. Enraged, the leader of the Moonshadows flees and attempts to carry out her insane ritual, only to be stopped by Mythos in the end. Ynneoth is saved, and Alissera’s side of the bargain is fulfilled; thus, the Pilgrim’s mark fades from her face, and she is herself again. It is hard to say why the Pilgrim orchestrated the lunar dragon’s rescue, but the group breathe a collective sigh of relief and, together with Sylvari, newly banished and cleansed of the Night Warrior's blessing, make their way back to Halhurst, following an urgent missive from its mayor…

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The Pilgrim's Pet

Location: The Great Sea

The group make their way to Auberdine and board the Dreamrunner, Captain Amanda’s ship, contracted to transport them back to Halhurst. Along the way however, their magic sapped in close proximity to the Maelstrom, they are attacked by The Wailing Wind and her crew of undead pirates, who capture Nor’andir and shipwreck Mythos on a secluded island in the middle of the Great Sea. The residents of the only village agree to help repair their ship in exchange for their aid in vanquishing a monstrous serpent that is keeping them prisoners on the island; as it happens, a ritual the serpent performs every ten years is due to happen in the next few days, an occasion the pirates will be present for as well, along with the captive Nor’andir. The Pilgrim makes his appearance once more at the local tavern, offering his advice “free of charge”... or, rather, in exchange for slaying his serpentine “pet”. Should the group don the skins of beasts, they can infiltrate the ritual and sneak their friend out - and so Mythos does, rescuing their tortured comrade and killing the monster. The villagers are saved, and the adventurers set sail, only to be ambushed once more. This time however, they are prepared, and they send The Wailing Wind back to the depths of the sea. Nor’andir also reveals why he was captured: the undead crew are in need of a master smith, able to operate an ancient magic forge. He could not glean much more in his captivity, and Mythos is left to ponder the pirates’ reasons on their voyage to Halhurst...

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Loose Ends

Location: Swamp of Sorrows

Mythos finally answers the mayor of Halhurst’s summons, and not a moment too soon. In the months following the Triad’s demise, it has become clear the old crones, although responsible for many heinous acts, were instrumental in holding back dark, ancient evils. One such evil has stirred in the ruins of Halhurst castle, from which the undead have begun to pour forth in recent weeks. The gentle witch Alcyone offers her help once more, warning Mythos she has sensed her last surviving sister make her way into the castle. While she stays back to help defend Halhurst, the adventurers storm the castle, fighting their way through powerful sorcerers, risen knights and scores of undead to reach the top. They find the resurrected Duke of Halhurst, towering over the corpse of the last crone. Along with his massive dragon pet, he overpowers Mythos, and in the heat of battle, Valodriel is forced to strike another deal with the Pilgrim, leaving himself and Nor’andir bearing the same marks as Alissera had before. Thus, the bargain allows the group to emerge victorious, but at a great cost…

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Chapter II:
  • Trouble in Tiragarde
  • Old Drust Road
  • The Forge
  • Black Rook Rumble
  • A Tarnished Legacy
  • A Tide of Blood and Flame
  • The Prophet's Army
  • What Pride Had Wrought

Trouble in Tiragarde

Location: Tiragarde Sound

Shaken and injured after their battle against the Duke, Mythos recover in Halhurst for a while, holding their breath for any word of the Pilgrim’s next task. Nor’andir’s mark is starkly visible against the skin of his face, while Valodriel’s remains hidden for now, sapping their lifeforce nonetheless. Weeks pass without any sign, and Alissera decides to answer the summons of a Kul Tiran noble who needs their help with a few matters in Tiragarde Sound. The Rose of Boralus, an old friend of Alissera, joins the group after a chance encounter with the Sorceress, and the Dreamrunner carries the group to Tiragarde Sound. Their first task is to investigate a series of unexplained deaths within the archipelago’s capital, all victims drained of blood before being found discarded all throughout the city. Before long, Mythos uncovers and dispatches the culprit: a San’layn sorcerer. The battle is fierce, but the group pushes through, and are thrust into their next investigation. The wife of a Kul Tiran noble has recently fallen into a magical coma, and the adventurers are tasked with finding a cure. A haunted house and a den of bandits later, the mystery is unravelled: the lady had been having an affair with the lord’s brother. They were caught in the act by the gardener, and the brother sent a band of mercenaries to… “rough him up.” Unfortunately, both the gardener and his wife were killed, but not before the latter put a curse on the lady with her dying breath. Mythos lifts the curse by putting the couple’s spirits to rest, and leave the noble family to handle the fallout of infidelity on their own. They make their way to Daelin’s Gate, where they meet Talias, an old associate, and where the Drust are showing signs of stirring once more…

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Old Drust Road

Location: Drustvar

Mythos rendezvous with the Order of Embers just in time to thwart an attack on Vigil Hill. Guided by the Order captain in charge of the town’s protection, the group retrieve an ancient stone tablet from an abandoned fortress - on it, a fable is written in old Drust, revealing the location of the coven most likely responsible for the sudden onslaught of wicker constructs pouring from the Crimson Forest. On their way into Drustvar proper, they are waylaid by the Pilgrim; Nor’andir wastes no time in attacking the burly, unassuming man, but he stops him in his tracks with a snap of his fingers, before issuing an ominous warning: kill the witch leading the coven and trap her soul in an object of his choosing within the week, or Nor’andir’s life would be forfeit. He leaves in the blink of an eye, and intensifies the effects of the mark, leaving his attacker writhing in pain. Mythos has no choice but to comply, and they fight their way through hordes of Drust monsters until they reach the portal to Thros, where the witch has fled. They refuse to make yet another deal with the Pilgrim, who offers them his protection inside the Blighted Lands, angering the illusive being. They persevere in spite of it, though, and bring down the witch in her own domain, capturing her soul. Nor’andir’s mark fades, and, joined by Luynaraeth, Rose's partner, the group returns to Halhurst, to recover and figure out their next step…

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The Forge

Location: Zin-Azshari

Nor’andir’s months of research into the Wailing Wind pirates’ mysterious forge reveals the undead crew is after an ancient Highborne facility capable of creating powerful weaponry. The pirates’ goals are not clear, but two things are: the forge can be used against the Pilgrim, and it is located in Zin-Azshari, deep under the ocean. Setting sail on the Dreamrunner, they're ambushed by the Wailing Wind, but the seas are suddenly parted by gigantic roots, plunging both ships into an uncovered part of Zin-Azshari. Stranded, confused, and running out of time until the roots give out, the group is approached by the spectre of a Highborne researcher, who, in exchange for Talias’ help in putting to rest the ghosts of her ancestors, grants Mythos access to the Forge. Finally inside, Valodriel reveals the full extent of his dealings with the Pilgrim: aside from being the one to attract the Pilgrim’s attention long ago, he had been the one to strike a deal atop Halhurst castle, marking himself and Nor’andir. Furthermore, the illusive being has claimed the soul of someone close to him, and threatens to destroy it unless Valodriel destroys the forge. Valodriel entrusts Mythos with the decision, and apologises for not sharing this knowledge with them before. The group decides to help him destroy the forge, but only after fashioning some sort of weapon against the Pilgrim. Onward they go, battling the pirates once more as they catch up to them - Nor’andir gets his revenge against the captain who had tortured him, and Mythos finally defeats the crew of the Wailing Wind for good. They reach the Forge, only to find it has been corrupted by a demon, trapped in the facility since the War of the Ancients. They have no choice but to destroy it, only managing to salvage scraps before making their escape aboard the unbelievably unscathed Dreamrunner…

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Black Rook Rumble

Location: Val'sharah

After going their separate ways for a time, a summons from Alissera brings them together in the idyllic Elwynn countryside. Using her and Sulfar’s earnings, the Sorceress bought the deed to Drake Manor, an old estate now renovated, to use as the headquarters and safe haven for the small, but ever-growing band of adventurers. Work is never in short supply, though. While in Halhurst, the group is approached by Lore’ithil and Eratheas, who offer the group a contract: aid them in the upcoming tournament held by the Kaldorei Sisterhood in Black Rook Hold, and the reward will be theirs. Lore’ithil is a former member of the Lunar Blades, one of the groups slated to participate in the tourney - cast out for associating with a shadow-user like Eratheas, she now seeks to prove herself before the Goddess. Whether their offer is accepted for material reasons, the guild’s coffers at an all time low after the recent renovations, or out of sympathy for the strange duo’s plight, it matters little. Mythos is away once more, but not before recruiting more muscle to help in the endeavour: Faewyn, a young Kaldorei passing through Halhurst, offering his shield for hire and his herb pipe for recreation. Alissera portals them to Val’sharah, just in time for the opening festivities. They are well received, and announced together with the other competitors. Thus, a week of revelry begins, with the ancient arena of Black Rook Hold hosting skirmishes once more in the name of Elune. Mythos eventually win the final fight against the Lunar Blades, but their respite is far from imminent, as they are forced to do battle with an avatar of the Goddess herself, the celestial being nearly bringing them to their knees before acknowledging their prowess and offering them the boon of her blessing, and a shard of pure moonlight for each one of them, to aid them in their darkest hour…

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A Tarnished Legacy

Location: Suramar

Not long after Mythos’ victory at Black Rook Hold, Valodriel’s plea directs the group to their next destination: a derelict facility within the ancient lands of Suramar; a place in which the scholar’s mysterious past has remained untouched for ten millennia. With his guidance - and his warning of what may lie within - they enter the darkened chambers, facing countless abominations, dangerous despite being locked away for so long. The adventurers bear witness to the last Wavesinger’s ancient research, and the man himself must stand tall and fully face the machinations of his past. Within the final chamber, Mythos face one of their most vicious adversaries yet. As the stench of burning flesh floods the air, a monstrosity of unimaginable terror bursts forth from a hidden sigil etched into the floor of the chamber. The three-headed beast’s body is mutated with flaming maws and littered with the searing brands of their most dreaded enemy, the Pilgrim. Its hellish power and unmatched might results in the unthinkable – the death of one of Mythos’ own. Faewyn, the newly-joined, bright-eyed vanguard, is severed at the waist by the many jaws of the beast, and even as the adventurers finally slay this vile fiend, there is nothing that can be done to save their friend. Furthermore, Valodriel’s quarry, the thing (or person) they entered the facility to find, is missing, the group’s endeavour having been all for naught. In the aftermath, Mythos have a funeral for their fallen companion at Drake Manor. Talias affords the group a final goodbye to their friend, and they bury his shard of moonlight with him, to help ferry his spirit into the Goddess’ embrace. Even with the much needed solace given to them by the knowledge that Faewyn is truly at rest, there is still the aftermath of his death for Mythos to deal with - and fingers yet to be pointed at who is to blame for his untimely demise…

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A Tide of Blood and Flame

Location: Emberwood

Differences have to be put aside with the arrival of a summons from Stormwind’s House of Nobles. General Gnollbane, a decorated Alliance hero, tells of a mysterious disease in Emberwood - a small province nestled between the eastern seaboard of the Redridge Mountains and the murky shores of the Swamp of Sorrows. Having handled a similar situation in Dornwich, Mythos is deemed suitable for the investigation, and introduced to a new ally: Gideon Blackmyre, a trusted paladin of the Silver Hand and an old friend of Valodriel. Their voyage aboard the Dreamrunner is once more beset by danger: a sickly, blood-coated leviathan attacks the vessel. Mythos and the crew defeat the beast, only to become infected with the same plague that has overtaken the land of Emberwood. Joined by an eerie sailor by the name of Orin Shadowbrand, they dock along the coastline and enter gloomy woodlands, stumbling upon a dilapidated village, its plagued inhabitants attacking on sight. The adventurers struggle to defend themselves until a horn sounds in the distance, dispersing the frenzied villagers. They find temporary solace in an abandoned camp, where they meet an elusive merchant who knows much about the plague… how to alleviate the symptoms, but also how it might kill the infected at the end of its incubation period. The merchant also reveals the spearheads of the cult behind the blight: three former nobles of Emberwood - the Lord of Coin, the Lady of Faith and the Lord of War - and a mysterious “Prophet”, who claims to hear the whispers of a… “God Below the Mountain” - the source of the blood plague. The group’s task becomes clear - depose the leaders, find the Prophet, and stop the spread of the disease. As they battle their way through monsters and burning villages towards the Lord of Coin’s castle, the infection claims more of their number, turning their quest into a race against time…

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The Prophet's Army

Location: Emberwood

Mythos are faced with an intense battle on the Lord of Coin’s doorstep, the twisted noble’s ferocity showcasing the power of the blood plague. Its allure bends even the best minds as Valodriel succumbs to the corruption, forcing the group to fight their friend at the same time. It is an arduous task, but Mythos emerge victorious with the scholar’s life barely in tow. They make their way further north, and find respite at a Kirin Tor outpost after aiding their magi forces in fending off an onslaught of blood cultists. The sanctuary is appreciated, but swiftly left behind as the adventurers prepare to fight their next target, the Lady of Faith. As they reach her cathedral, Lore’ithil’s resolve also breaks under the power of the plague. Mythos are forced into the catacombs, yet again fighting against their friend and the Lady of Faith, who mutates into a monstrosity of flaming blood. Mythos’ determination allows them to defeat their enemy and free their friend - her life narrowly saved. They find solace once more at the Kirin Tor outpost, but their rest is short-lived, the Lord of War arriving at the gates of the outpost with a massive army of cultists and abominations following in his wake. The siege hits the small, magically shielded fortress hard, and its defenders call upon all their might to fend against such a great number of foes. Defeat, however, seems imminent… until the ubiquitous cloud cover is broken, sunlight peeking through and revealing the massive frame of an Alliance gunship. General Gnollbane and his regiment have come to their aid, commanding the gunship to tear through the plagued army ravaging the farmland-turned-battlefield. Thus, the adventurers strike a final blow against the hellish Lord of War in the midst of his corrupted transformation. The battle is won, and Mythos are left with little time to prepare for the final chapter of this bloodied tale…

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What Pride Had Wrought

Location: Emberwood

As Mythos, the Kirin Tor and the Alliance forces make their way closer to the town of Emberwood, where the Prophet resides, the atmosphere is deathly silent… There is smoke rising up from within, reeking of burning flesh. The assault team makes short work of the gates, but what awaits them inside is a horrifying vision: piles of burning corpses and crude effigies, rivulets of blood tracing the cobbled path into the town centre. As they reach the clock tower, the Prophet greets them, and turns out to be none other than the Pilgrim that has haunted their steps for the past two years. As Orin reveals he is actually working with him due to his own deal with the illusive being, the Pilgrim gloats about his plan to release the ancient creature slumbering beneath Emberwood, a bleeding phoenix that will lay waste to everything in its path. The entire town was sacrificed towards this purpose, and soon enough, the creature bursts forth from the mountain - entire stone ridges come flying joined by other debris, levelling buildings and people alike. Alissera quickly divests Orin of his brand by way of ripping it from his body. Cackling, the Pilgrim dons his true form, a twisted monstrosity made of wood and sinew, and calls forth massive roots from the ground, like the ones that split the sea above Zin-Azshari. Between that and the phoenix rising, the town of Emberwood is all but obliterated, and Mythos are left to battle their fiercest nemesis as the massive creature flies away. It is a fierce battle, but between the group’s unshakeable determination and the puddles of healing blood left behind by the phoenix, they manage to finally strike down the Pilgrim, their mortal enemy. In the aftermath, they are left only to ponder at his true nature, and worry about the blood-cursed creature that he unleashed into the world in his final moments…

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Chapter III:
  • Of Fel and Shadow
  • Frozen in Death
  • Song of Serenity
  • In Darkness Unbroken
  • The Fall of Dalaran

Of Fel and Shadow

Location: Ashenvale

Although much remains uncertain, a colossal weight is taken off the group’s shoulders with the demise of their nemesis. The phoenix has made itself scarce after the events of Emberwood, and Mythos can do naught but keep vigilant, and wait for news. A summons arrives once again, as it is wont to do, this time from Astranaar, a request for the company’s help with unrest in the area. Thus, Mythos make their way to Ashenvale, where a council made up of Sentinels and Argent Crusade officials direct the group to key points within the forest. Combating the satyr presence in Fire Scar Shrine is the first of their tasks, and the group performs admirably, retrieving a corrupted Legion communications device that is promptly returned for decoding. They head east next, where chimaera attacks are threatening the safety of Forest Song. They manage to defeat the void-corrupted patriarch of the nearby roost, one of the chimaeras bonding with Alissera, and accompanying the sorceress on the rest of her journey. As they rest in the aftermath, a messenger arrives from Astranaar: Revriine, a Draenei warrior sent to inform them of the Legion forces amassing in Demon Fall Canyon, and to help them with the worst of them - a soon-to-be-activated Fel Reaver. Their battle against the demons is hard-won, but they manage to defeat them, and limp back to Astranaar for a little bit of rest before they tackle their fourth and final task. To Blackfathom Deeps they go, to investigate a slew of missing persons, civilian and sentinel alike. They uncover a hidden sect of the Twilight’s Hammer, and defeat the fiends, rescuing the few prisoners that survived their ordeal within the ancient sunken ruins. Mythos return to Astranaar, hoping they can finally get some much needed respite from their travels. If only their next assignment wasn’t waiting in the north, in Winterspring…

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Frozen in Death

Location: Winterspring

The party travels to the elven town of Amaranth Vale, where an alliance of Sentinels, Knights of the Ebon Blade, and Argent Crusaders have been engaged in skirmishes with an unexpected, but worrying Scourge incursion. Before Mythos has a chance to find their bearings, the town is attacked, the leader of the Scourge revealing himself from the beginning: a powerful Lich, calling himself the Father. Although the heroes help the Amaranth forces defeat the undead and drive them back, underestimating the Father’s power leads Sulfar to lose his life… but all is not lost, the demon hunter brought back to life with the help of the spirits inhabiting his Rooksguard blade; the resurrection has a price, however, tasking Nightfall with vanquishing a powerful demon before his life ticks away once more. That is a score to settle at a later date, Mythos finally able to recover from their wounds in Amaranth Vale. Their next assignment sees them vanquish the spectral Mardivas, an ancient elven magister guarding the cloaking device concealing the Scourge base. Correspondence between him and the Father reveal the lich’s reasons for being in the region: he wishes to raise an undead army from the ranks of the dead of Kel’Theril, the city buried under Winterspring’s southern expanse. The Amaranth forces storm the Scourge base, with Mythos facing the Father atop his necropolis. Nor’andir reveals he has fought the lich before, during the Fall of Quel’Thalas, where he lost his comrades and his arm against the Scourge lieutenant. Although prepared, the adventurers fare no better than the last time, the fight ending with them swept off the fortress as it escapes into the skies. Their fall cushioned, they are informed of the intelligence found within the base: the lich is headed for the Kun-Lai Summit, his reasons obscure as of yet. Time is of the essence, as they give chase aboard an Argent airship…

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Song of Serenity

Location: Kun-Lai Summit

Amidst the storming heavens they picked up a stowaway, Willow, and clashed with the minions of the lich only to be brought low, crashing into the depths of Kun Lai Summit's great lake. The Father made for The Peak of Serenity; the ruins of the once great temple in which many a Monk did train. Their chase to confront the Father would see them curing an ailing River Spirit, proving the might of their fury before Xuen and his champions, overcoming the dire machinations of the Lich upon the spirits of the Path of Emperors and much more besides. In time, the band of heroes would reach the Peak. Seizing their bravery they traversed its broken halls and put to rest many of the spirits left there, languishing in the torments of the past and present alike. When the time came to confront the Father once and for all; it would be done amidst the heart of the temple grounds, where the wretched lich had almost concluded a baleful ritual of transference that would see their essence bound to the flesh of Peak's guardian: The Great Serpent known as Shenlong. The battle that ensued demanded that Mythos brought all they could muster and more to bear. Though the hour grew dark, hope would inevitably prevail. Hope borne from sacrifice… In the end, Shenlong would perish at the hands of Mythos as they fought to undo the Lich. The serpent's fate was sealed; but their death unleashed a majestic wave of power that seemed to instil serenity throughout the Peak once more, and in so doing, the Father was seemingly destroyed. Not even Sulfar could discern if anything of him remained. Where the great guardian fell there now stood a statue with a single gilded scale. In time, if the legends prove true, they will be born again to watch over this Peak, and whatever becomes of the Temple that once was…

In Darkness Unbroken

Location: Duskwood

The battle against the Father has left Alissera weakened by mysterious powers awakening within her. In a letter to Mythos, she explains her need to address this and reveals she has located her and Fellorin’s - formerly Orin - mother, Yoria, in Duskwood. She also urges Mythos to assist in investigating strange disappearances in Darkshire. They reunite there, and calm civil unrest before meeting the Mayor to learn more. Their investigation reveals that feral worgen are responsible. Worse, Luynaraeth discovers Yoria is transforming innocents using a corrupted replica of the Scythe of Elune. Devastated but determined, Alissera leads Mythos through the cursed forests to the Twilight Grove, where Yoria is found. Though tensions are high, Mythos holds back, allowing Alissera and Fellorin to confront their mother. Their surprisingly tearful reunion is interrupted by Sulfar, who suddenly cuts down a tree, freeing a trapped elf, Violet, from within. The resulting commotion reveals the lingering presence of the Pilgrim in the twisted scythe. While some of Mythos move to obliterate it, others urge restraint to avoid the Grove’s wrath. The conflict escalates, and Alissera begs Yoria to destroy the scythe, before successfully freeing it from her mother’s grasp. Valodriel ensures its destruction, liberating the Twilight Grove from Yoria’s hex with the help of Sylvari and a green dragon that guards the Dream portal. In her defeat, Yoria passes the Night Warrior’s pact to Alissera, solidifying her new abilities. The scythe’s destruction causes Mythos to fall into a deep sleep, awakening within the Pilgrim’s realm, deep within the Emerald Dream. Guided by Sylvari, they confront past trials from the Pilgrim, enduring a final ‘farewell’ before his remnant crumbles to ash. They awake in the Twilight Grove, finding its denizens thankful for their liberation, tending to the party’s wounds. Alissera, Fellorin, and Yoria depart to speak privately, while Mythos finally rests…

The Fall of Dalaran

Location: Dalaran

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